Changing Mindsets Around Celebrations
In a lot of cultures, or even just in how our families celebrated growing up – a lot of times the celebrations were centered always & entirely around food. And while there’s nothing wrong with a birthday cake, big holiday dinner or fun summer BBQ, celebrating *every single* celebration with food + alcohol when you’re struggling with weight can come as a struggle. Especially when starting on plan.
So, if you’re reading this I’d like to challenge you to take a milestone, celebration, new job, etc – and find a way to celebrate without over indulging in food! Find an alternative habit or celebration non-food centered that you can do to help you get your mind out of that mindset that every accomplishment automatically means an overindulgence in food and drink.

If you're struggling to figure out something to do to celebrate instead, check out this adorable 100 date night ideas poster!
This thing is full of ideas (most not centered around food although there are some wine tasting / beer tasting items on there)
Full discloser, this is my side hustle too 😉